Minimising Our Environmental Impact

Reducing Our
Environmental Impact

TNB strives to minimise the environment impacts caused by our business operations and value chains, in line with our commitment to progressively improve our environmental performance.


Our environmental performance is under the purview of the Environmental Management Committee, which comprises the Environmental Performance Monitoring Committee and Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Committee across all relevant divisions, departments and business units in TNB. The Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Council oversees the Group’s environmental performance and compliance.

Six (6) divisions in TNB have been certified ISO14001:2015 compliant in Environmental Management System (EMS). We are also guided by TNB’s Health Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS) which outlines environmental standards and strengthens the governance of environmental requirements across all divisions, departments and business units in TNB. The inclusion of environmental requirements under our HSEMS has allowed for more robust identification, management and monitoring of environmental matters.

TNB Safety Information System (TSIS) has served as a platform to report any form of environmental-related incidents in addition to occupational health and safety-related hazards since 2016, thus demonstrating a strong integration between health, safety and the environment.

Our overall commitment towards reducing our environmental impact is encapsulated in our comprehensive environmental management policies and guidelines:

Our Response to Climate Change

As an energy utility company, we recognise the impact on climate change that we contribute, as well as the threats of climate change to our existing infrastructure as well as our business sustainability. To ensure continuous and reliable supply of electricity to the nation, we are actively transforming and decarbonising our operations.

Since 2019, TNB has voluntarily adopted the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to address potential climate-related physical and transition risks and opportunities on our business strategy, as well as the resulting financial impact.

Refer to Sustainability Statement 2023 for more information