Green Electricity Tariff (GET)

GET Programme is introduced as an option to enable customers to reduce their carbon footprint in electricity consumption.
  • GET Programme is introduced as an option to enable TNB consumers to reduce their carbon footprint in electricity consumption.
  • With the implementation of GET Programme, consumers will have the option to purchase a low carbon electricity supply without having to install their own solar rooftop or other renewable energy installations.
  • The renewable energy resources for GET Programme are generated by solar power plants under the Large-Scale Solar (LSS) Programme and TNB's and/or its subsidiary’s hydropower stations and any other renewable energy plants which may be approved by the Commission from time to time.
  • Consumers enrolled in GET programme will receive Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC) after the end of a calendar year.
  • Changes to GET terms and conditions are subject to Government’s review from time to time.

Download GET Infographics here ENG | BM.


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How This Affects Your Business

GET Programme enables your companies to meet Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) commitments as well as reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption.
  • Subscribing to GET Programme enables your organisation to meet Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) commitments as well as reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption.
  • GET Programme also enables your organisation to enhance its image through the use of environmentally-friendly green electricity.

  • Your subscription to the GET Programme contribute towards the growth of the renewable energy (RE) industry in the country as well as supports global energy transition to reduce the impact of climate change and global warming.


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GET Programme is to be made available as an option to all TNB consumers.
  • GET Programme is offered as an option to all TNB consumers. Consumers who wish to enroll for GET must enter into Green Electricity Tariff Agreement.

  • The amount of Green Electricity for new and existing GET subscribers can subscribe for each subscription cycle shall be less than or equivalent to average monthly consumption as may be determined by TNB.

  • Subscription is in 100 kWh blocks for Residential and 1,000 kWh blocks for Non-Residential.

  • Subscription for GET 2024 quota shall be opened from 11.00 am, 3 May 2024 onwards. (on a first-come, first-served basis subject to TNB’s assessment and GET quota availability)

  • The period of GET subscription shall be from the commencement date until 31 December every year.

  • Consumers are not allowed to reduce or terminate the GET subscription during the subscription period.

  • The total subscription of GET Quota of all GET consumers must not exceed the GET Quota as published on TNB’s website and mGATS website.

  • In line with GET Guideline, TNB reserves the right to review consumer’s GET subscription in the event consumer's actual electricity consumption is lower than their green electricity subscription to ensure fair sharing of limited Green Electricity quota.


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GET Billing

Consumers with GET subscriptions will pay standard applicable tariff rates as per Tariff Schedule for monthly electricity consumption plus GET subscription charges
  • Consumers who opt for GET subscriptions will pay:

a) Standard applicable tariff rates as per Tariff Schedule for monthly electricity consumption;


b) GET subscription charges at the rate of:

i. 10 sen/kWh for all residential consumers and low voltage non-residential consumers;


ii. 20 sen/kWh for medium voltage and high voltage non-residential consumers

  • Monthly GET subscription charges will be based on GET block(s) subscribed or consumer's actual consumption, whichever is lower.

  • GET subscription charges will be prorated based on the number of days in the scenario whereby the consumer subscribes to GET in the middle of the billing period.

  • Consumers who subscribe to the GET program in 2024 will not be charged with Imbalance Cost Pass-Through (ICPT) charges for actual green energy units used.

  • Get calculation for Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV) and Net Energy Metering (NEM) Account is based on NET energy (i.e. import energy after netting off export energy from solar generation).


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Consumers may subscribe online via myTNB Portal
  • Subscription for GET 2024 quota shall be opened from 11.00 am, 3 May 2024 onwards via  myTNB Portal.

  • Subscription is based on a first-come, first-served basis subject to TNB’s assessment and GET quota availability.

  • For detailed step-by-step guidance on myTNB registration, add new contract account and subscribe to GET, please click here.

  • For more information on GET, please contact TNB CareLine at 1-300-88-5454 or email to [email protected].


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I subscribe to Green Electricity Tariff (GET)?

  • Subscribing to GET means supporting an environmentally friendly and green agenda such as meeting your sustainable targets through offsetting electricity’s carbon emission, and boosting the “eco-friendly” brand image.
  • In addition, you are supporting the growth of the renewable energy industries as well as supporting the global energy transition to limit climate change and global warming.

2. How many GET blocks should I subscribe and is there any limitation?

  • The amount of Green Electricity that consumers can subscribe shall be less than or equivalent to the average monthly consumption.
  • Subject to sustainability target, consumers may opt to subscribe in block based on average monthly consumption. Block subscription is in 100 kWh blocks for Residential and 1,000 kWh blocks for Non-Residential.
  • In line with GET Guideline, TNB reserves the right to review the consumer’s GET subscription in the event the consumer’s actual electricity consumption is lower than their green electricity subscription to ensure fair sharing of the limited Green Electricity quota.

3. Who can subscribe to GET and how much is the rate?

  • GET Programme is offered as an option to all TNB consumers. Consumers who wish to subscribe to GET must enter into the Green Electricity Tariff Agreement and are subject to stamp duty.
  • The premium rate for GET 2024 is as below:

i. 10 sen/kWh for all residential consumers and low voltage non-residential consumers; or

ii. 20 sen/kWh for medium voltage and high voltage non-residential consumers

4. Will I receive a Renewable Energy Certificate by subscribing to GET?

  • GET programme is backed by mREC to give assurance that consumers will receive green electricity that is supported by a credible and globally trusted Renewable Energy Certificate (REC). mREC is the Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC) recorded in the form of an e-certificate, representing the environmental attributes of the relevant amount of Green Electricity generated and delivered to the grid, redeemed for the benefit of GET subscribers. mREC is presently using the International REC (I-REC) Standard which is recognised internationally.

5. How do I ensure the source of energy is green if I were to subscribe to GET?

  • You will receive an internationally recognized Malaysian Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC) that provides credibility for your electricity coming from a renewable energy generator. The details of the green energy such as type of RE and volume redeemed to a GET consumer are enclosed in the mREC which can be used as evidence. Besides that, the source of REC is from the RE generators connected to the national grid which makes the claim more credible as compared to off-grid.

6. If I sign up for GET, will my home or business receive electricity generated from renewable energy?

  • Electricity generated by renewable energy is not supplied to a specific home or business. When you subscribe to GET, TNB will match 100% of your subscription of GET from TNB renewable energy instead of using energy from natural gas or coal-fired power plants. This green energy enters the electric system daily and reduces the amount of energy you required from fossil-fuel based power plants.
  • The resources for producing electricity for the purpose of the GET Programme will be from the renewable energy resources as determined and approved by the Energy Commission from time to time.

7. Where does the collection from the GET programme go?

  • Income from the implementation of GET programme will be used to further boost the country's energy transition efforts to increase renewable energy capacity such as the implementation of the Solar Rakyat Incentive Scheme or Solar for Rakyat Scheme (SolaRIS) that was introduced recently.

8. How will subscribing to GET affect my electricity bill?

  • Consumers who opt for GET subscriptions will pay:

a) Standard applicable tariff rates as per Tariff Schedule for monthly electricity consumption;


b) GET subscription charges at the rate of:

i. 10 sen/kWh for all residential consumers and low voltage non-residential consumers;


ii. 20 sen/kWh for medium voltage and high voltage non-residential consumers

  • Monthly GET billing will be based on GET subscription or consumer's actual consumption whichever is lower.
  • GET subscription charges will be prorated based on the number of days in the scenario whereby the consumer subscribes to GET in the middle of the billing period.

  • GET subscribers will not be charged with Imbalance Cost Pass-Through (ICPT) charges for actual green energy used (limit up to the number of GET blocks subscribed).
  • GET billing calculation for Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV) consumers are based on NET energy after netting off export energy from solar generation.

  • The following are not taken into consideration when calculating the charges for the GET consumer’s electricity consumption with reference to the subscription of Green Electricity under the GET Programme:

    • any payment to the Renewable Energy Fund established under section 23 of the Renewable Energy Act 2011;
    • power factor surcharges;
    • temporary load charges;
    • power factor rebates;
    • welding equipment surcharges;
    • any discounts given by the Government of Malaysia; or
    • any other charges as may be determined by the Commission.

Example 1:

  • Example for bill calculation when electricity consumption of the GET consumer is more than its subscription of green electricity:

Electricity consumption  = 800,000 kWh
GET subscription   = 100,000 kWh

Below is an illustration for the calculation of the sum payable by the GET consumer:

Example 2:

  • Example for billing calculation when electricity consumption of the GET consumer is less than its subscription of green energy:

Electricity consumption  = 50,000 kWh
GET subscription   = 100,000 kWh

Below is an illustration for the calculation of the sum payable by the GET consumer:

Example 3:

  • Example for billing calculation when GET consumer subscribes GET in the middle of billing period. Calculation is based on number of days:

Electricity consumption  = 2,000 kWh
GET subscription   = 1,000 kWh
GET Start Date   = 03.05.2024
Billing period    = 01.05.2024 – 31.05.2024

Below is an illustration for the calculation of the sum payable by the GET consumer:

Example 4:

  • Example for bill calculation for NEM or MBIPV consumer when net energy of the GET consumer is more than its subscription of green electricity::

Electricity consumption  = 35,176 kWh
Export consumption   = 3,000 kWh
GET Subscription   = 30,000 kWh
GET Start Date   = 03.05.2024

Below is an illustration for the calculation of the sum payable by the GET consumer:

Example 5:

  • Example for bill calculation for NEM or MBIPV consumer when net energy of the GET consumer is less than its subscription of green electricity:

Electricity consumption  = 35,176 kWh
Export consumption   = 6,000 kWh
GET Subscription   = 30,000 kWh
GET Start Date   = 03.05.2024


Below is an illustration for the calculation of the sum payable by the GET consumer:


9. What are the GET subscription’s terms and conditions?

10. If sign up for the GET Programme, may I modify my GET subscription amount or decide to terminate the subscription?

  • The period of GET subscription shall commence from the Commencement Date until 31 December 2024.
  • Upon subscription, consumers are not allowed to reduce or terminate the GET subscription during the subscription period.
  • The subscription cycle shall automatically commence from the expiry of an earlier subscription cycle based on the prevailing terms and conditions unless the GET consumer submits an application for the termination or modification of the subscription.

11. Is there any incentive provided when subscribing to GET; e.g. tax exemption or special electricity rates?

  • GET subscribers will be exempted from Imbalance Cost Pass-Through (ICPT) charges in their monthly bill until 31 December 2024 for actual green energy used (limit up to the number of GET blocks subscribed).

12. What is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)?

  • Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a certificate that represents the delivery of 1 MWh of renewable energy to the grid and all associated environmental benefits of displacing 1 MWh of conventional power. Companies wishing to meet their sustainability goals may choose to purchase RECs as part of their renewable energy sourcing portfolio. REC is a form of carbon offset for emissions coming from grid electricity under GHG Protocol Scope 2.

13. What is Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC)?

  • mREC is a branding for all RECs that is redeemed by TNBX for consumers in Malaysia. mREC logo is trademarked by TNBX.

14. How do I ensure the credibility of mREC?

  • mREC is redeemed from an internationally recognised registry that provides credibility of your electricity coming specifically from a renewable energy generator. Presently, the internationally recognised registry used is by I-REC Standard. I-REC registry is recognised by all major standards and campaigns such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and RE100.

15. How does mREC look like?

  • Sample certificate of mREC is as per the figure below;

16. Can a company, organisation or individual sell their mREC to other entity?

  • Reselling of mRECs is not possible as it will be retired directly to the purchaser

17. When will I receive the mREC?

  • The GET Consumer shall receive the mREC under its subscription on a yearly basis within 45 working days after the end of each calendar year. In the event the GET Contract is terminated at any time in the calendar year, the mREC shall be issued to the GET Consumer within 45 working days after the bill with the final GET consumption charged in the bill is issued to the GET Consumer.


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Green Electricity Tariff Subscription for 2025 Will Be Available from 1 March 2025

With regards to the recent announcement by the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA) on 26 December 2024 on the continuation of Green Electricity Tariff (GET) programme in 2025, here are the key highlights:

• At least 6,600 GWh GET quota are made available for subscription with a premium rate of:

  • 10 sen/kWh for all domestic consumers and low voltage non-domestic consumers; and
  • 20 sen/kWh for medium voltage & high voltage non-domestic consumers.

• NEW! Long-term subscription options with lower premium rates until 2027.

• No Imbalance Cost Pass-Through (ICPT) charge for the Green Electricity subscribed.

• Open for subscription from 1 March 2025 onwards via the myTNB portal.

• Customers have the option to backdate their subscription to start from 1 January 2025.

• The lock-in period for GET subscription ends on 31 December each year and will automatically renew based on subscribers’ previous GET subscription period unless a termination request is received.

Further details on GET 2025 will be published on myTNB portal and TNB website soon. Stay tuned!
