Electricity Safety Tips During and After Flood
TNB would like to advise the public to always prioritise their safety during the flood season which is currently hitting several areas in Terengganu, Pahang and Johor. The public are advised to comply with safety feature guidelines listed below:-
1. During flood:
In the house
- Switch off the main switch before evacuating to shelters when instructed
- Shut off all electrical equipments and place them at high places
- Do not touch electrical appliances or switches with wet or damp hands
- Do not touch any electric supply box and pole or falling wires.
- Stay away from areas where the water level rises and reaches a high and low voltage wire in order to avoid the possibility of getting an electric shock.
2. After flood:
Check your home and search for signs of cracks or sunken soil as they may be dangerous. Do not go straight into a flooded home.
TNB Installations
- Never touch electrical installations or switches with wet or damp hands
- Make sure electrical equipment submerged by the flood are inspected and tested by an electrical contractor who is registered with the Energy Commission before reusing them
- Stay away from broken wire/electric cables found on the ground because it may still have electricity current
- Stay away from fallen electric pole, immediately contact the nearest TNB office or TNB CareLine 15454
- Do not remove any electrical wires by using your hands or any devices which can conduct electricity current
- Avoid approaching loop holes with broken wires in it because it might still have electricity current flowing through it
- Keep an eye on your children and do not allow them to approach any fallen electric poles or disconnected wires. Do not attempt to repair the damaged ones.
- Electricity supply will be resumed after the flood recede and the situation is completely safe.
Affected customers may call the operation rooms as below:-
Pahang : 09-515 5663/5678
Terengganu : 09-624 1009, 09-626 7348
Other states : TNB CareLine 15454