Smart Meters are Able to Detect Power Disturbance More Efficiently


The smart meter that is being installed in Melaka is able to increase the value added services offered by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to consumers through the ability to detect any electronic supply disruption electronically.

Duration of supply disruption can be shortened because the recovery of electricity can be done proactively and faster as the location of disruption can be identified before reports or complaints are made by the user.

Among the features of this smart meter that will be activated TNB in ​​stages include automatic notification to users if there is a supply disruption as well as announcements of power restoration.

Other advantages of smart meters include allowing users to obtain billing information and usage online, as well as helping them manage home energy budget more wisely.

TNB introduced smart meters for a greener and wiser future as it has the potential to significantly enhance customer satisfaction through practice more efficient energy usage..

After Malacca, smart meter installations will be expanded to the Klang Valley before expanded throughout the peninsula.

Consumers in Melaka who have not yet installed the TNB smart meter will receive a notice on installation information through postal delivery or hand delivery at least 30 days before the meter is installed.

Penerima notis digalakkan membuat temu janji awal bagi memudahkan petugas TNB
memasuki premis dan menyempurnakan tugas pemasangan meter pintar.

The recipient of the notice is encouraged to make an early appointment to facilitate TNB personnel entering the premises and completing smart meter installation tasks.