TNB Unveils Vision for A Sustainable Energy Future and Collaboration at CEPSI 2023


Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), has solidified its pledge to spearhead Malaysia's energy transition by championing transformative renewable energy projects. The commitment was highlighted by TNB President and Chief Executive Officer, Dato' Seri Ir. Baharin Din, during his keynote address at the 24th Conference of the Electricity Power Supply Industry (CEPSI) held recently in China.

Baharin underscored the significance of the ASEAN-China collaboration in the relentless pursuit of Net Zero goals. Together, both powerhouses aren't simply embracing Net Zero goals but leading the charge in navigating the global energy transition, forging monumental strides towards a low-carbon future, and catalysing substantial economic growth.

TNB proudly stands at the forefront of the ASEAN energy transition, forging robust alliances with Chinese counterparts to harness cutting-edge green technology including advanced expertise and capabilities in green tech manufacturing. The ASEAN Power Grid, a beacon of opportunity, promises economic prosperity for Southeast Asia and China, steering them closer to collective Net Zero aspirations.

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