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Meter Replacement (Due to Irregularity)

What is Meter Irregularity?

Meter Irregularity occurs when the meter is unable to record the correct customer consumption. It can be due to:-

  • meter inaccuracy
  • malfunctioning of the meter or its associated installation or part thereof
  • incorrect meter reading
  • incorrect application of a meter multiplying constant
  • cross-connection of installation to different accounts
  • faulty installation

How does TNB calculate the undercharged or overcharged amount for Meter Irregularity cases?

TNB will calculate the undercharged or overcharged amount based on the consumer’s consumption record and history, available technical evidence and other relevant circumstances.

Do the customers pay for the cost of meter replacement due to irregularities?

No. TNB will bear the cost of meter replacement except for cases of negligence by customers (e.g.: Fire/Damage by customer, etc).

What is the maximum consumption period to be charged for undercharged or overcharged amount?

Customers will be charged up to the period of maximum 3 months before the date of irregularities has been notified to customer.

How do I report a Meter Irregularity case?

Kindly report to TNB through the following channels:

  • Call/fax to TNB One Stop Enquiry Centre 1300-88-5454 
  • Email to [email protected] 
  • Browse and click Contact Us>Customer Care>Submit Feedback 
  • Browse and click Follow Us >Chat With Us
  • Pusat Khidmat Pelanggan TNB